Monday, October 24, 2011

Talk about simple........

I know I haven't written in a while and there are reasons for that!!!  For starters we started school.  We chose a "simpler" (or so we thought) curriculum this year to take some (or most) of the responsibility off my shoulders!  Then we had some changes that took place and I wasn't wanting to blast it out right away.  We left our church fellowship and have been attending a small church in Farmersville.  We didn't give out reasons for our decision hoping it would cut out on "GOSSIP"!!! (needless to say it didn't)  If we don't hear a reason we will make our own!!!  How sad is that?  We are all guilty of this!  I wonder how many of you, get told something that someone tells you, that someone told them "not to tell"....  It seems so simple to just keep it why, OH WHY do we feel so pressured to tell someone else???  I am talking to myself, because this is an area of my life that I want so bad to do better!  Even if they didn't say "don't tell"....why do we like to tell others what someone told us?  Do we feel like we "have the right" because we are close to that person.....seriously people think about this!!!  Be honest with yourselves!  Did we say it in a gentle way so we feel like its O K???  I have very few people in my life that when I say something to them I know it stays with them and doesn't go anywhere else! tell someone something that you need to get off your relieves feel better about hear what you said from someone else and it doesn't tell your heart!!!  Why do we do this and not even think about how it HURTS the other person!  If it is simple to say whats been said to us why isn't it  easy to keep it to ourselves?  I think in our minds we want to "be someone" and that may mean to "KNOW THINGS".  I'm here to tell you.....I have been in trouble more times for knowing things, than not knowing things! I'm asking you all to step out with me and get WEIRD (because it is normal to gossip or know a lot) with me!!!  Raise your standard......rise above the way we are.  Don't give the devil what he wants, and that is to destroy!  When you say something you should NOT or when you get done with a conversation what goes through your mind?  I usually feel awful.....sad.......upset (that I did it AGAIN) a bad friend or sister.....or daughter....or wife!  If we start a sentence with "Did you hear" or " Have you heard" or Did so and so call you yet?"  We are starting gossip or spreading news that may or may not be true!  After we are known to "TALK" we lose our friends.....daughters......husbands......wives and sisters, TRUST!  Uhhh I think the title of this is "talk about simple"......................  Well it is with "PRAYER"!   Some of you may read this and say WOW I can't believe she has the nerve to put this on here!!!  Well believe me I wrote this with great trepidation!  But it is what is on my heart......I hope you can pray for me and join me in a "GOSSIP FAST"!!!  May the Lord bless you as you choose to Rise Above!!!!  

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