Friday, August 26, 2011

Friendships...........What do they mean to you?

This subject has been on my mind for a long time!  Friendships are so important and we all desire to be loved by someone!  So, I would like to shake around a few thoughts.....when you meet someone for the first time, have you already accessed them and judged them for what they look like or how they smell?  Maybe it's what they are wearing or how they dress their children.  Or are you worried about what they think of are some of my thoughts.  I have had friends that have been my friend since I was a child.  I have friends that I made when I was a tween.  I have friends that I have had from church camp.  I have friends that I met after I met Randall.  I have friends that I just met within the past few years.  The point is not that I have a lot of friends but that God has blessed me with people to love and care for!  My family is the first people God gave me and I haven't always done my part.  I have learned that people don't like to be smothered but they don't like to be ignored either exactly are we suppose to be a friend?  A few thoughts just to ponder......

  • A simple smile can make someone feel noticed.
  • A simple hug can make someone feel loved.
  • A simple phone call can make someone feel like you don't just think of them when you see them.....
  • A simple card can make someone feel like you took time "just for them".
If being "there" for someone doesn't come easy for you make a note to yourself telling yourself to care for one of your friends each day.  My friends mean a lot to me, no matter if I have known you for 32 years or 1 day!!!  Please feel free to give me other ideas on how to be a great friend!  You see, it's the simple things of life that keep us ticking.  If you have been one of those people that pre-judge a person before you get to know them you could be missing out on some valuable friendships.  There are a few people who I thought were really good friends but as I realized I was the only one calling and inviting and sending notes I began to wander what was wrong with me?  I let it get me down.  You see.....I let satan steal my JOY.  I would recommend that when you have a friend like who lets you do all the work it takes to keep a friendship warm, is to get on your knees and pray for that person.  They could NEED you more than you NEED them.  To often I forget that I have a Creator that cares more for me than anyone that knows me as a friend.  Philippians 1:9 says, And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement:  What do you think this means?  I think it means that in everything we judge that we need to have so much LOVE!!!  ........That our love may abound not just more but, "more and more"!!!  Blessing~ Betsy lou

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